JSC «LASEX» is developing for two trends:
- Modernization of present plane deport by setting (installation) navigation systems to provide the international aviation requirement making direct contracts with airlines.
- Creation of modern systems for new plains by requests of leading Design Offices: PSC “Tupolev”, OJSC “Ilushin aviation complex”, Beriev Aircraft Company and others, certificating this systems in composition with plane and installation of it to the standard equipment.
Process of certification includes air trials lasts about two years. JSC «LASEX» has completed certification trills:
TU-334-100, TU-204, IL-96-300, IL-76TD-90VD in 2006,
IL-96-400 in 2008.
TU-214, TU-204SM in 2013.
JSC «LASEX» continues certification trills for navigation systems on planes:
Professional JSC «LASEX» reputation characterize:
- Interstate Aaviation Committee full-scale production Certificates.
- Certification of airplanes Be-200Chs and Tu-334 with JSC «LASEX» navigation systems.
- Including navigation systems JSC «LASEX» into IL-96-300, Tu-204 aircraft instrumentation for Cubana de Aviacion
- Including NSI-2000ĚŇ into IL-96-400 aircraft instrumentation
- Including NSI-2000ĚŇ navigation systems into JSC “Kotlin-Novator” aircraft instrumentation
Consumers of JSK «LASEX» production:
- JSC "Aeroflot Airlines"
- PSC "Tupolev"
- OJSC "Ilushin aviation complex"
- FSUE Institute of Aircraft Equipment
- Volga Dnepr Group
- Ilyushin Finance Co
- IRKUT Corporation
- Polet Airlines
Modern level of innovative technical decisions, which lay in NSI-2000ĚŇ navigation system their correspondence to world standards, project realization will ensure technological Russia independence on market of modern high-tech air equipment in near future and in long-term outlook up to 2025.